
Every container can have one or more network interfaces. Currently, osctl supports bridged and routed veth. Routed veth is an advanced method which is useful for production deployments, so this page describes only bridged veth.

Bridged veth

If you're running vpsAdminOS in a virtual machine using make qemu, you already have bridge interface called lxcbr0. It has a preconfigured DHCP server and NAT, which allows you to immediately use it in containers without any further setup.

Network configuration is managed using the osctl ct netif family of commands, see man osctl for a full description. Adding and removing a container's network interfaces is only possible when the container is stopped. To add a bridged veth interface to container myct01, use:

osctl ct netif new bridge --link lxcbr0 myct01 eth0

When the container starts, it will have interface eth0 configured by DHCP. It should be assigned an IP address and just work if you're using a supported distribution within the container. Based on the container's distribution, osctld is generating configuration files for the network configuration, so that the container's init system will bring the interface up.

Bridged veth is fine for local and personal use, but we find that it's not secure enough for production deployments, where each container can be controlled by a different user and cannot be trusted. Containers linked to the same bridge can influence each other on the link layer. If that's a concern for your use-case, see routed veth.