Container image repository

Images are served via HTTP. The directory structure, relative to the repository's URL, is:

└── <schema version>/
    ├── <vendor>/
    │   ├── default -> <variant>
    │   └── <variant>/
    │       └── <arch>/
    │           └── <distribution>/
    │               ├── <tag> -> <version>
    │               └── <version>/
    │                   └── image-{archive,stream}.tar
    ├── default -> <vendor>
    └── INDEX.json

default entries are symlinks to the default vendor and variant directories, which the client can use when he has no particular requirements.

tag is a symlink to specific distribution version, common tags include:

  • stable
  • unstable
  • latest
  • testing

Index file

The index file, located at ./INDEX.json, contains a list of all available images. The file is formatted in JSON.


    "vendors": {
        "default": "vpsadminos",
        "vpsadminos": "minimal"
    "images": [
            "vendor": "vpsadminos",
            "variant": "minimal",
            "arch": "x86_64",
            "distribution": "debian",
            "version": "9",
            "tags": ["stable", "latest"],
            "image": {
                "tar": "vpsadminos/minimal/x86_64/debian/9/image-archive.tar",
                "zfs": "vpsadminos/minimal/x86_64/debian/9/image-stream.tar"