
osctld is managing cgroup subsystems and hierarchy based on resource groups. It ensures that every container and management process is placed into the correct cgroup.

The cgroups hierarchy, as seen from the host:

└── <subsystem>/
    └── osctl/
        └── pool.<pool name>/
            └── group.<group name>/
                ├── [group.<subgroup name...>/]
                │   └── <group contents...>
                └── user.<user name>/
                    │── monitor/
                    └── ct.<container id>/
                        └── user-owned/

As you can see, all cgroups created by osctld are children of cgroup osctl. Should you need to manipulate all containers from all pools, this is the place, but you'd have to do it manually, as osctld is not actually configuring the cgroup.

The root group, which can be seen and manipulated by osctl, has path osctl/pool.<pool name>. All other cgroups from the pool are children of this cgroup. Child cgroups representing osctl groups have their names prefixed with group., as they can mix with group/user cgroups.

Group/user cgroups are prefixed with user.. There is one group/user cgroup for every combination of osctl groups and users that have at least one container. These cgroups exist mainly for lxc-monitors, which are used to track container state changes. There is one monitor for each group/user combination, so they're placed in a common cgroup.

Container cgroups are then prefixed with ct.. All cgroups, all the way down to the container cgroup, are owned by root. This is to ensure that users themselves cannot change cgroup limits on any cgroup that is managed by osctld. Every container cgroup has a child cgroup called user-owned, which is chowned to the container's user. This allows the container to create its own cgroups, but they can't exceed nor change the limits defined by parent cgroups.