Container send/receive
osctld has support for moving and cloning containers between different
vpsAdminOS nodes with SSH used as a transport channel. Each vpsAdminOS node has
a system user called osctl-ct-receive
. The source node is connecting to the
user on the destination node. Authentication is based on
public/private keys.
On the source node, a public/private key pair is needed. It can be generated by
osctl send key gen
, or the keys can be manually installed to paths given
by osctl send key path public
and osctl send key path private
source-node $ osctl send key gen -t ecdsa
source-node $ osctl send key path public
source-node $ cat /tank/conf/send-receive/
ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYT... root@source-node
Through another communication channel, picked at your discretion, the public key
of the source node must be transfered to the destination node and authorized to
send containers to that node. Once transfered, the key can be authorized
using osctl receive authorized-keys add
, the key is entered on a single line
to the standard input:
destination-node $ osctl receive authorized-keys add source-node
ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYT... root@source-node
Now the source node is authorized to send containers to the destination node. You can verify that by running SSH directly:
source-node $ ssh -T -i `osctl send key path private` -l osctl-ct-receive destination-node
receive skel [pool|- [passphrase]]
receive base <token> <dataset> [snapshot]
receive incremental <token> <dataset> [snapshot]
receive transfer <token> [start]
receive cancel <token>
As you can see, the SSH connection is limited to several commands that are handled by osctld. The meaning of those commands will become clearer once you read the section below, but it's enough to know the shell is restricted for container send/receive only.
Moving containers
The container move itself consists of several steps:
osctl ct send config
is used to prepare environment on the destination node and copy configurationosctl ct send rootfs
sends over the container's rootfsosctl ct send sync
optionally synchronizes the source and destination rootfsosctl ct send state
stops the container on the source node, performs another rootfs sync and finally starts the container on the destination nodeosctl ct send cleanup
is used to remove the container from the source node
Up until osctl ct send state
, the send can be cancelled using
osctl ct send cancel
, which resets the container's send state on the
source node and removes the partially transfered container from the destination
osctl ct send
will perform all necessary steps in succession.
Use this when you don't care when is a particular send step run. Otherwise,
you can choose when to run specific send steps to optimize for minimum
downtime at reasonable hours. Consider the following example:
# 1) Prepare the send
source-node $ osctl ct send config myct01 destination-node
# 2) Make an initial copy the container's rootfs, this will be the most
# time-consuming operation
source-node $ osctl ct send rootfs myct01
# 3) Regularly synchronize rootfs while waiting for optimal time to transfer the
# container, which will cause a downtime depending on how much data has changed
# since `osctl ct send rootfs` or the last `osctl ct send sync`
source-node $ osctl ct send sync myct01
# 4) When the downtime will be least unwelcome, finally transfer the container
source-node $ osctl ct send state myct01
# 5) Cleanup is executed only on the source node, the destination node is already
# finished
source-node $ osctl ct send cleanup myct01
Cloning containers
osctl ct send
by defaults moves containers from one node to another, but it
can be used to clone containers to remote nodes as well. Cloning works in the
same way as moving, except that osctl ct send state
will not keep the source
container down and osctl ct send cleanup
will not remove it.
Use option --clone
to make a clone instead of moving the container:
osctl ct send --clone myct01 destination-node
# or in steps
osctl ct send config myct01 destination-node
osctl ct send rootfs myct01
osctl ct send state --clone myct01
osctl ct send cleanup myct01
There are several useful options when cloning containers (although they can be used when moving containers as well):
to keep the moved/cloned container on the target node stopped--no-restart
to keep the moved/cloned container on the source node stopped--no-network-interfaces
to remove network interfaces from the container's config
Access control
Public keys can be authorized for single or repeated use. By default it can be
used repeatedly without further restrictions. When needed, it is possible to
restrict which hosts will be allowed to connect, what container IDs will be
accepted and to set a passphrase for further identification.
osctl receive authorized-keys add
accept these as options --single-use
, --ctid
and --passphrase
Using passphrase it is possible to use the same public key multiple times with different names, e.g. once for every container send/receive and have the used key removed after the send/receive is completed.